I hate 'psychics' . They are the charlatans, the bottom-feeders and the slime of the 21st century.
Strong words? You bet - but I couldn't think them more aptly placed than on this group of people.
You ever see these people? They usually appear to be the misshapen freaks of society: ugly, dull-looking, ridiculously-dressed. Most of us wouldn't want them to bag our groceries and yet some of us will share our most personal information with them. Well, you can't judge a book by its cover (even if the 'cover' contains all of the kitchy pseudo-mystic bobbles one could imagine.).
Typically, people go see a psychic when they are at their worst in life; down on their luck financially or socially. A psychic is all too happy to give them vague and inaccurate information - for a large fee of course. One would think that if their powers of prestigidation were so accute, that these 'gifted ones' would just go win the lottery. Then, they could proceed use their god-like gifts to Help Humanity.
Strong words? You bet - but I couldn't think them more aptly placed than on this group of people.
You ever see these people? They usually appear to be the misshapen freaks of society: ugly, dull-looking, ridiculously-dressed. Most of us wouldn't want them to bag our groceries and yet some of us will share our most personal information with them. Well, you can't judge a book by its cover (even if the 'cover' contains all of the kitchy pseudo-mystic bobbles one could imagine.).
Typically, people go see a psychic when they are at their worst in life; down on their luck financially or socially. A psychic is all too happy to give them vague and inaccurate information - for a large fee of course. One would think that if their powers of prestigidation were so accute, that these 'gifted ones' would just go win the lottery. Then, they could proceed use their god-like gifts to Help Humanity.
Has it happened? Of course not.
The worst cases of pyschic deception are subjucted to those who have lost or are missing a loved one. It is at this time that psychic scum pounces. The Sylvia Brown's of the world often claim to talk their loved ones... they claim to know where their loved one's bodies lie or whether they are alive or dead at all. People in their greatest anguish grasp onto whatever straws they can, in the hopes that their loved ones are at peace. They will even pay Ms. Brown the monstrous fees she charges for her 'consultation'.
But maybe there IS something to psychic abilities and phenomenom. After all, we cannot know all of the mysteries of the universe.
James Randi, a.k.a. The Amazing Randi, magician and author of numerous works skeptical of paranormal, supernatural, and pseudoscientific claims has for about ten years offered "a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power."
His rules were little more than what any reasonable scientist would require. If you are a mental spoon bender, you couldn't use your own spoons. If you claimed to see auras, you'd have to do so under controlled conditions. If you claimed to be able to do remote viewing, you wouldn't be given credit for coming close in some vague way. If you were going to demonstrate dowsing powers, you would have to be prepared to be tested under controlled conditions. If you were going to do psychic surgery or experience the stigmata, you would have to do so with cameras watching your every move.
Who has succeeded in claiming the million dollar prize? NOT A SINGLE PERSON - and many have tried.
There are many like Randi that offer rewards for proof, and in no case has proof ever 'materialized'.
Sylvia Brown and many of her ilk refuse to be tested. They don't want to be exposed like their peer Uri Geller was. None want to lose their cash cows.
Penn and Teller have debunked them better than I ever could in their Season 1 Episode 1 of their program, 'Bullshit'. Check it out - it will open your eyes. All three of them!
The worst cases of pyschic deception are subjucted to those who have lost or are missing a loved one. It is at this time that psychic scum pounces. The Sylvia Brown's of the world often claim to talk their loved ones... they claim to know where their loved one's bodies lie or whether they are alive or dead at all. People in their greatest anguish grasp onto whatever straws they can, in the hopes that their loved ones are at peace. They will even pay Ms. Brown the monstrous fees she charges for her 'consultation'.
But maybe there IS something to psychic abilities and phenomenom. After all, we cannot know all of the mysteries of the universe.
James Randi, a.k.a. The Amazing Randi, magician and author of numerous works skeptical of paranormal, supernatural, and pseudoscientific claims has for about ten years offered "a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power."
His rules were little more than what any reasonable scientist would require. If you are a mental spoon bender, you couldn't use your own spoons. If you claimed to see auras, you'd have to do so under controlled conditions. If you claimed to be able to do remote viewing, you wouldn't be given credit for coming close in some vague way. If you were going to demonstrate dowsing powers, you would have to be prepared to be tested under controlled conditions. If you were going to do psychic surgery or experience the stigmata, you would have to do so with cameras watching your every move.
Who has succeeded in claiming the million dollar prize? NOT A SINGLE PERSON - and many have tried.
There are many like Randi that offer rewards for proof, and in no case has proof ever 'materialized'.
Sylvia Brown and many of her ilk refuse to be tested. They don't want to be exposed like their peer Uri Geller was. None want to lose their cash cows.
Penn and Teller have debunked them better than I ever could in their Season 1 Episode 1 of their program, 'Bullshit'. Check it out - it will open your eyes. All three of them!
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